Friday, July 20, 2012

Brandi - November 14th, 1999 - July 20th, 2012


We will remember when we first got you we fell in love with you
We remember you biting our arms while playing with you
We remember you chewing up everything in the house and forgiving you
We remember you jumping as high as the door frame
We remember you playing Frisbee and that ball you chased around the yard
We remember walking down the street and you pulling us, we're out of breath and you're slobbing and eyes bulging out
We remember taking you to all the family to meet them and them you
We remember you greeting everyone at the door especially the pizza man
We remember you barking at nothing at all
We remember you using the picnic table as your throne
We remember you and Dad wrestling on the bed and the living room floor
I remember you greeting Dad at the door dancing and tail wagging a mile a minute
I remember you waiting for Dad to drop a crumb on the floor so you could lick that spot for 30 minutes
We remember all we done to love you and care for you
We remember how much joy you brought to our home and our lives

We will love you and
we will miss you so
Very Very Much

Love Mom and Dad
(Written by My Wife)

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